Happy February, and 2014 … !

Feb 1

News Flash!

So … it’s been forever since we’ve blogged. Where to even begin? I’ll try to give a quick recap of the past year and throw in some pictures along the way. 🙂

Grad school: I’m almost done! Wahoo! I have 11 more weeks of clinical rotations and then I’ll be graduating, after which point I’ll finally enter the healthcare field as a paid employee (money isn’t everything, but it sure pays for grain-free kibble and lots of frisbees!).

Dogs: Everyone is doing well and happy! We bought and moved into our first home a little over a year ago, and just recently finished a huge dog yard, so the dogs are spoiled and happy to be able to come in/go out as they please. We haven’t competed in any dog sports lately (mainly due to the big move and grad school), but we hope to participate in a local agility trial next month. We’re still doing trick training and hope to upload some exciting trick videos this week! Oh, and we recently fostered one of the cutest rescue puppies ever. “Lexi” was with us for 5 weeks, and while we fell head-over-heels in love with her, she has since gone on to her furever home with one of my close friends.

Sweet Lexi ... we loved fostering her!

Sweet Lexi … we loved fostering her!

Horses: I haven’t ever gone in to details about our horses on the blog before, but the OH and I have moved our horses to a very nice local barn with miles of trails and a large indoor arena. We have been riding a couple of times a week, which is therapeutic mentally as well as exercise physically! We are also so lucky that this barn is very dog friendly, so we bring one or two of the pups with us to trail ride and hang out with the horses!

While Cinco loves to run alongside the horses, he's certainly not too sure about riding one!!

While Cinco loves to run alongside the horses, he’s certainly not too sure about riding one!!

Farming: Yes, you read that right, farming. We’ve had goats for about 3 years now, but at the beginning of last year, I dove into breeding and raising dairy goats. This adventure has brought both joy and heartache (farming is not for the faint of heart). This spring, we had a total of 13 kids (goat babies) born. It was quite the experience! While I have greatly enjoyed raising goats (and the dogs have greatly enjoyed having goats’ milk and goats’ cheese added to their meals), there are only so many hours in the day … So, I have downsized my herd from 20-something to just a few of my favorite goats. Even though I’m refocusing my time and energy back on the dogs and horses, I’m sure I’ll share pictures and videos of some of our caprine friends! We’ve also been gardening and trying to supplement our diets with homegrown veggies and fruits, and this is something that we hope to continue.

Symphony, one of our Nigerian Dwarf kids born in April!

Symphony, one of our Nigerian Dwarf kids born in April!

So, with that being said, our blog will still be primarily focused on the pups and I’ll try to write my training thoughts at least 1x/week. But, look forward to hearing about our equine adventures as well! I’m going to try to post at least twice a week to start out with … so keep an eye out! We have missed blogging, and missed our blogging friends. Hope everyone is well. Stay tuned! 🙂

An update long due …

Hold those reins … an update is coming tomorrow! 🙂

Sept 8

Wordless Wednesday: “… hello?”

July 17